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Project Social Media App


Social Media App

Personal Project


Short Explanation

This project is a small-scale social media platform that aims to resemble Twitter in terms of functionality and design. It provides users with a platform to express their thoughts, share updates, and engage in conversations with other users. The main goal is to create a simplified version of Twitter with limited features.

My project is a social media built using NextJs. Some of the features that have been implemented include:

  • 🔒 User Registration and Authentication.

  • ✉️ Posting Tweets.

  • 👤 User Profiles.

  • ❤️ Like and Comment on Tweets.

  • 👥 Follow Functionality

However, there are still some features that I plan to add in the future:

  • 🔐 Implement my own Auth/OAuth

Project Goals

The project aims to replicate essential features of Twitter, including posting tweets, following/unfollowing users, liking tweets, commenting on tweets, and displaying personalized feeds. The platform should closely emulate the user experience of Twitter, providing a familiar environment for users.

Tech Stack Used

This project uses a range of technologies & libraries, including:

  • Next.js: Used as the main framework for building the project, providing server-side rendering, easy routing, and optimized builds

  • Tailwind CSS: Used as the main styling framework to rapidly build and style UI components.

  • Radix UI(shadcn/ui): Used for UI components.

  • Clerk: Used for Authentication.

  • React Query: Used for data fetching and caching in a performant and easy-to-use way.

  • tRPC: Used for write endpoints that can safely use in both the front and backend of app.

  • Upstash: Used to prevent the frequency of an operation from exceeding a defined limit and causing server errors.